child of God, wife, mother, recovering anorexic who longs to see the beauty in herself that she sees in the world around her

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

to share or not to share, that is the question

Today someone I work with said this,
"I understand you have a blog also, I'd love to read it."

And now I wonder, do I share or do I keep my little area of the world private?  I don't talk about my blog or even that I do blog.  Do I let her join me on my journey, on this journey that is often ugly?  Or do I let her see the cleaned up version? 

Why did I just think of starting yet another blog simply with the for everyone's eyes posts?  I could give her my other link but then if she looks at my profile she will see that I am here also. 

Oh anxiety, how I loathe thee.  Anxiety of how much of my heart is ok to share.  Anxiety that I want to share my thoughts just not sure if I want to share my journey.  How far do I let people in? 


  1. say no when you need to say no. what does your intuition say?

    p.s. you can change the blogger/google account settings to only show certain blogs on your profile. xx

    1. I discovered I could change my profile, which I did. I gave her my other link. I decided that while I don't mind sharing my thoughts, I feel like my down and dirty journey is to much for the workplace. That may change someday but for now, the nitty gritty of walking through recovery needs to be my sacred place. Thanks!
