Usually when I go to see Carol, she asks how my week has been going. This morning, however, she asked, "So what's on your mind today? What are you thinking about?" I laughed. It's random, REALLY random. Her eyebrow raised and she told me to go for it. Well, here is what I was thinking at that exact moment, Georgie Porgie was really a bully.
"Georgie Porgie as in Georgie Porgie puddin and pie??????"
Yep, the old nursery rhyme. Georgie Porgie puddin and pie, kissed the girls and made them cry. When the boys came out to play, Georgie Porgie ran away.
She laughed. I laughed. Then I asked why we teach our children nursery rhymes. I mean really, Ring Around the Rosie is about the plague! How bout Rock a Bye Baby where the cradle crashes to the ground? Yeah, that makes kids feel safe. Georgie Porgie kissed girls who didn't want to be kissed and then ran off when the kids his size came around. This little piggy is sending pigs to the slaughter house (that is what it means for a pig to go to market). And London Bridge is really about a bridge that kept falling. What morbid things to teach our kids and especially in the form of a cute little sing song rhyme!
All of that to say that on the way to therapy today I was thinking about silly nursery rhymes and got rather mad at Georgie Porgie. I've been kissed and cried. It is not really fun and yet kids sing that stupid rhyme all the time. Of course I'm in my 30's before I ever really thought about what the words were saying, but still.......
I change the words to rhymes. Like for instance,
Rock a bye, Baby
In the tree top
When the wind blows the cradle will rock
When the bough breaks the cradle will fall
And Mommy catches baby, blankie and all
I like Mommy catching the baby much better than the baby crashing to the ground. And do you know what I learned about myself while talking about nursery rhymes? I can choose to dwell on the good things not the bad. My thoughts do not control me, I control my thoughts. Hmmmm, suddenly I have a much greater understanding of why the Bible is clear about meditating and dwelling on the Word. I can choose to believe God's truth and change my thought pattern when the icky thoughts come in or I can let the icky thoughts take control. I think I'll think on the pure and good things and let God catch me when I'm falling, blankie and all.
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