My house is quiet. Hubby isn't feeling well and dozed off a couple of hours ago. My kids are finally all in bed for the night. And now I'm torn on what to do with myself. Two of my very dear girlfriends are hanging out all night watching Twilight movies and just chilling. They called and asked me to join. I could. Hubby even said I could stay the night and hang out if I would so like.
I would like to. But I also have a quiet house and I kinda want to curl up in my sweatpants and grab a good book. I've been a pretty lousy friend lately. I haven't reached out much. I want to go hang out and it would be good for my friendships for me to hang out. I also don't want to leave the house. I don't want to make the 20 minute drive in the dark. I don't think I really want to stay the night over there which means I need to take the drive home into consideration as well.
Am I making excuses? I know I'll have fun if I get off my bum and go. I'm also freakin exhausted and don't want to work up the energy to get off my bum. And now is the time that I wish I had a commitment one way or the other. I suck at making decisions, even more so when both options sound wonderful. If my family needed me to be here it would be a no brainer. If I had already planned this and my friends were 100% expecting me, it would be a no brainer. But neither NEEDS me and I want both. I need a mind-maker-upper. Anyone know where they sell such a thing?
i wish! those are exACTLY the kind of dilemmas that trap me.