There are some unbelievably destructive and triggering images on the world wide web. I want to give some safe places to click that are pro-recovery. I recently started following a blog called ed bites that I really really like. The author writes well, with a deep understanding of ed, recovery and relapse, and she deeply touches me right where I am in my journey to recovery. I also like (I'm pretty sure this came from her blog but possibly not) the term remission as opposed to recovery. If anorexia is a disease, there is always a chance of relapse as I am so painfully aware of right now. Cancer goes into remission. Eating disorders go into remission. The core issues that I have discovered and am working on will hopefully make relapse less easy but there is always days when it is still a choice.
I have started a link list on the side of my blog with resources as I find them. So far, ed bites and something-fishy are the only two on the side bar. There is another that looks like it should be a total trigger site but is actually not. I just need to find the exact link again and I have to decide if it should be included since the title sounds like an endorsement site rather than a recovery site.
I am going to recover and I invite you to join me as I do. For those of you who know and love me, this is how to support me. For those of you who struggle along side of me, I invite you to find support and join me in getting well again. We can get past this. It will hurt and it will take a lot of work, but it can be done.
have you heard of MentorCONNECT? it's a wonderful recovery community. it's what got me through my last relapse in the fall and what keeps me going strong.